Friday, November 18, 2016

State & Federal Law Compliant Medical Waste Disposal In California

Haz Waste Company is actively engaged in medical waste disposal in California. California with its drastically contrasting terrains is the most populated state in the US generates a large quantity of medical waste. The California Environmental Protection Agency is concerned with the environmental quality and public health. Medical waste is defined by state’s Medical Waste Management Act (California Health and Safety Code $117690) as bio-hazardous by actual or presumed presence of pathogenic micro-organism. Medical waste is different from chemical waste as it poses a serious threat because it's infectious nature. 

Bio-hazard waste is being produced by various sources like hospitals, pharmaceutical plants, medical research centers, diagnostic laboratories, nursing homes, private GPs, dentists, etc. It primarily includes infectious body fluids, used operating equipment such as discarded blades, bandages, surgical gloves, needles, body parts, organs, discarded scalpels, humans or animal's tissues, bandages, soiled dressings and micro-biological cultures. House-hold bio- hazard waste in the form of sharps requires proper handling. The bio-hazard waste is packed in red bags for storage, processing, and transport. 

The Medical Waste Management Act (MWMA) of California, categorizes the bio-waste generators into two classes, small quantity generators (LSG <200lbs/month) and large quantity generators (LSGs >200lbs/month). Big hospitals and universities, with adequate resources, usually opt for on-site treatment of bio-waste. Other choose off-site treatment and disposal of their bio-hazard waste. Haz Waste Company appropriately fits into this role. The company offers efficient, clean and hassle-free disposal of the medical waste. The company provides individualized service to its clients while maintaining high standards in categorizing and removal procedures. 

Haz Waste Company is a trusted entity for specialized solutions to medical waste disposal in California. With offices in all key cities throughout the state, the company is committed to providing you 24X7 service.